• FREE metabolic health guide •

Lose 15+ pounds in 90 days

without giving up burgers and beer as you supercharge your energy by

taking control of your health once and for all

This FREE Guide Reveals How I Harnessed My Healthcare Expertise With


Based on The Four Pillars of Metabolic Health

Do you want to supercharge your energy while taking control of your health once and for all?

Do you want to get the thumbs up from your doctor?

Do you want to have friends and family asking you what you're doing to look and feel so fantastic?

If so, keep reading...

When you were in your 20s, you could happily eat anything, stay out late with friends, and not feel the consequences.

But that was then and this is now.

Your powers of recovery are diminished. Every takeout meal, every beer with the boys or glass of wine with the girls seems to go straight to your midsection. You feel bloated, sluggish, a step behind at work.

And your doctor has noticed your blood pressure and cholesterol creeping up. You wonder if things are about to go downhill, fast.

Me, before

Me, at age 40 - after my Total Health Transformation

I'm Tim Smith, BSc Pharm, CDE, CTE, PN1-NC and I want to reassure you that it's NOT too late to turn things around.

Even though I'm a healthcare professional myself -- a pharmacist, with advanced certifications as a diabetes and tobacco educator and in nutrition and behaviour change, a published research author and the guy media outlets look to for the hot healthcare stories -- I struggled myself for years.

Even as my career took off, I felt like an imposter. I educated my patients on how to manage their blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes and taught them the principles of healthy eating and the importance of exercise.

But I wasn't putting it into practice myself.

My energy was low and I dragged myself through each day. I was chubby, unathletic, and lacked self-esteem. And my choices had me on the path to health issues.

Although I desperately wanted to change, I struggled for a long time to figure out how to take back control.

But I didn't give up.

I kept reading and researching and testing things out and eventually had a huge breakthrough that got me where I am today. I discovered the same principles that I now use to help others transform their lives.

Although I'm an experienced healthcare professional who has taken my education and career to the next level, I've been in your shoes.

I can help because I'm a lot like you.

That's why I want to share with you how I:

  • Improved my health and became known as the "fit guy"

  • Got shredded beyond my wildest dreams

  • Improved my sleep, energy, and productivity

  • Learned to love myself

  • All while enjoying the food and drink I don't want to live without


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